Manning Repair & Supply Servey


Total Crew Management / (Recruitment & Placement Services)

All our officers and crew are compliant as per the rules and regulations of STCW and MLC. We provide quality seafarers for cargo, offshore and leisure fleet. As such we have a very strict selection procedure from our huge data bank which gives us enough choice to select qualified, skilled and adequately trained seagoing personnel to the fullest satisfaction of our clients- to meet their procedural and quality management system requirement With many maritime sectors currently suffering from a shortage of trained and/or certificated seafaring personnel, there is significant demand for the services of well-trained and professional staff.

SEASON SHIP MANAGEMENT & MARITIME SERVICES (A Unit of Seacom Group) is approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, Govt. of India to carry out the Recruitment and Placement Services activities at our campus vide RPSL No KOL – 002 / 2015. We are proudly placing our passed out cadets on board the merchant navy vessels. To help our students and delegates access the best possible job opportunities, SEASON SHIP MANAGEMENT & MARITIME SERVICES works with a range of reputable maritime companies, recruitment partners and agencies. The institute and our RPSL managers are dedicated and hard working to take care of all assignments. In addition to above, all teachers of Seacom Marine College are excellent and light house of knowledge, who directs our trainees & students to be a good seafarer.


The recruitment process conducted by a company involves the following steps:

  • Selection a no. of cadets based on company’s principle for written / online tests.
  • Personal interview of cadets who qualifies the test and shortlisted further.
  • Screening of initial applicants using a variety of methods (e.g,, review of CVs, comparison of academic or professional qualifications held, pre-interview by telephone etc) to shortlist the most likely potential candidates.
  • Selection of the best candidate from those shortlisted by utilizing one or more selection techniques (e.g,, psychometric testing, group exercises etc).
  • Effective induction of the successful candidate into the new role to ensure successful integration within the organization and quicker operational deployment.
To increase the chances of successfully negotiating the recruitment process, candidates must ensure that they apply their best efforts at each stage of the process, such as fully completing application forms, producing effective CVs and preparing thoroughly for interview.


Competent and confident
Companies and recruitment agencies are looking for energetic, motivated and highly organized people who work well as part of a professional team. So the interview is where you get the chance to market yourself, demonstrate your value and explain you are the ideal candidate for the job.
Getting through the job interview process successfully requires preparation and planning.

Do your homework

Find out as much as you can about the post, employer and the industry. If you have been selected by an agency, they should be able to offer you information and guidance. Don’t be afraid to ask.

First impressions count

Dress smartly and appropriately for the post you are applying for. If you are not sure, ask the agency. And be punctual.

Be prepared

Have copies of your documentation with you, including an up to date CV, copies of your certificates and licenses and letters of recommendation.


Psychometric tests can be used as part of the recruitment and selection process by employers to assess your ability in specific skills (e.g,, verbal, numerical and diagrammatical reasoning) or to find out about your personal qualities by using personality questionnaires.

Ability or aptitude tests

Practicing tests can be helpful, to familiarize yourself with the types of questions as well as getting feedback on your performance.

Personality questionnaires

Personality questionnaires assess different aspects of your personality, and they explore the way you react in different situations. There are no rights or wrong answers, and they are not usually timed. They are used to see whether you would 'fit in' with the culture of the organization and suit the role applied for. You should answer questions honestly and not try to second-guess what the employer is looking for.

When do employers use them?

Sometimes they are used in conjunction with a face-to-face interview and are often carried out at an Assessment Centre, along with other tests. They are sometimes used as a 'first sift' of applicants (i.e. only candidates with a certain mark proceed to the next stage).

The following is a range of sites where you can practice ability/aptitude tests and personality questionnaires:

SHL Talent Measurement

Timed verbal and numerical tests with feedback on how you compare with other applicants.


View examples of the ability tests found in the Morrisby Profile. Advice and information about taking psychometric tests.


Provides general information about employee assessment techniques and practice tests.

Psychometric tests and questionnaires

Contains a list of online practice psychometric tests and questionnaires.


For more detailed information on psychometric testing.

What are assessment centers?

They normally form the final part of the selection process so, if you have reached this stage, you are doing well. Along with the formal interview stage, candidates are set a number of exercises designed to assess whether they possess the competencies and personal qualities sought by the employer for that particular role and their suitability for the organization. Exercises will assess competencies such as the following: leadership skills, analytical skills, oral and written communication, numerical skills, ability to work under pressure, and team working skills. Employers will also want to see how you work with other people and how you react in social situations.

Tasks may include a range of activities including the following:

  • Psychometric tests and/or personality questionnaires
  • Interviews – with one or more interviewers
  • Individual and/or group presentations
  • Group exercises – such as a teambuilding task or business case study
  • In-tray or e-tray exercises
  • Social events
  • Written exercises or case studies